aka Denwick Fulling Mill and Peter Eadington’s Mill

Skelly provides a comprehensive history, referring to this as Denwick Fulling Mill, although by the time he was writing it had been converted to a corn mill, and was occupied by Peter Eadington, son of David Eadington. Peter had made great improvements, including the introduction of “machinery on new and improved principles, for the use of the mill”, and a wooden footbridge slightly downstream from the old “Stepping Stones”. The bridge created the opportunity to enjoy “one of the finest and most charming of the many walks that the town possesses”.

Click here for more photographs of Peter’s Mill from the Bailiffgate Collection
Mills, too, were on the town’s lands at Hesleyside for in 1682 John Fenkle was amerced 8d. ” for not keeping up his gate that leads to the new mills Hesley Side.” On the opposite side of the water were the Denwick Fulling Mill and Bleachtield ; the former in our own day has been converted into a corn mill, and is now occupied by Mr. Peter Eadington, the descendant of an ancient race of millers.
Tate 1866
Isaac Thomson Map of 1760 labels field “Bleach yard” and shows mill race and buildings but not labelled mill.
“Walk Mill” appears on Sauthier map of 1788 at the upper end of the mill race. At the lower end of the mill race he shows “Oil Leather Mill”
Thomas bell survey of 1826 shows it as a large Fulling Mill.
Thomas Bell survey of 1850 shows it as Denwick Mill, as does the OS map of 1866.
The mill was working until 1920, but demolished by 1925. The old footbridge was swept away by flooding in 1947 and the weir removed in 1951.