Historic England describe Hulne Priory as: “The best preserved and probably the earliest Carmelite friary in England”.
Carmelite Friars originated in the late 12th century when Europeans settled on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land to live as hermits. By the 1230’s life in the Holy Land had become unsettled and they began returning to Europe, reaching England in 1242 in the company of knights coming home from the Crusades. They established a priory at Aylesford in Kent and another at Hulne with William de Vescy and his son John. The secluded location at Hulne reflected a desire for a remote location suitable for a hermit life and the land scape is said to have similarities to their previous home on Mount Carmel. But it wasn’t long before the rules of the order were changed to align with a role more suited to their new life in Europe. Over time the Carmelites would establish more than 50 houses across England and Scotland. Most preferred sites in towns where they could attract, and support educated men who were cap able of teaching and preaching. The remote location at Hulne helped to preserve remains that are now more complete than any other Carmelite House in England. But the location was not without threats. Relics from the border conflicts between England and Scotland include a defensive curtain wall added at some point in the 15th century and a pele tower added by Sir Henry Percy in 1488, at a cost of £27 19s 8d. In 1536 Thomas Cromwell established the Court of Augmentations to gain control over the property of the Church for Henry VIII. They ruled that the Priory, its gardens, pasture and mills had a rental value of £16 11s 2d. The priory was dissolved in 1539. The church was destroyed but the site was not extensively robbed for stone, and parts were converted into a house. By 1570 Hulne Park was ‘well re plenished with fallow deer’ and the buildings were being used as a hunting lodge. Again, this helped to preserve the remains. By the mid-18th century, the site was home to a menagerie (which included gold and silver pheasants) and a keeper. The original infirmary was converted to a house. Around 1777-80 the Duke built a Gothick garden house. It is unclear who was the architect. It is often ascribed to Robert Adam or Lancelot Brown, but sometimes to John Bell of Durham, a pupil of James Paine, who had previously worked at Alnwick. In 1991, Hulne Priory was used as the location of Maid Marian’s home for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, starring Kevin Costner as Robin Hood, Morgan Freeman as Azeem, Christian Slater as Will Scarlett, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as Marian, and Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham. What remains is the best preserved, if not the earliest, Carmelite friary in England; a unique survival of a Carmelite Infirmary; and a well-preserved 15th century defensive perimeter wall. Recent conservation work began in 2013, paused in 2015 then resumed in 2021. The focus has been on the boundary wall to ensure public safety and preserve the monument for future generations. So far, work has included consolidation and conservation of sandstone walls and wall heads; repointing joints, removal of unsuitable mortar and repointing; localised repairs to stonework where movement has occurred; and the removal of algae, vegetation, and tree saplings. The next priority is to address loose stonework on the southwest gateway that appears to have been caused by deep rooted ivy growth and missing mortar. A structural survey has been carried out and Northumberland Estates are currently working with ecologists and a contractor to agree an appropriate methodology.
The public is admitted to Hulne Park, and the ruins of Hulne Priory can be explored but there are no facilities for visitors, and access is restricted to pedestrians only. The priory is reached on a walk of almost 5 miles from the Forest Lodge entrance on Ratten Row.
Main Buildings
Grade I Listed: HE Record
Curtain Wall
Grade I Listed: HE Record
Outer Precinct Wall
Grade II Listed: HE Record