November 30th 1867
Alnwick Local Board of Health: at the last meeting (Mr. Geo. Cockburn in the chair) it was resolved to erect one of Smith and Co.’s patent metal urinals at a total cost of £20, in the Market Place, adjacent to the Board Room, which will be a great public accommodation, particularly on Market days.
December 7th 1872
Dr Candlish suggested that would be very adviseable, and would tend to the abatement of a very disagreeable nuisance, if a urinal were erected in Dove Cot Lane, The proposal was considered a very good one, and the matter was referred to the Street Committee.
December 21st 1872
Thos Archbold, one of the Street Committee, stated that he thought the urinal in Dove Cote Lane, proposed at the last meeting by Dr Candlish, would be useless and a nuisance, and it was no use throwing away money on it, and he should like to recommend that the Board do nothing of the kind. Dr Candlish insisted on the necessity there was for erecting a urinal near the gate at the meeting of the pathway to the station with Dove Cote Lane. He still thought it desirable that they should place one there; but consequence of the high rates, he would move that the question be deferred till next. Mr Ed. Allen seconded the motion; which was carried.
January 8th 1891
The Surveyor reported that four tenders had been received for the removal of existing urinals to other parts of the town, and the erection of two new ones at the Fish Market, and near the passenger approach to the Railway Station. The Streets Committee recommended acceptance of Messrs. T. H. Hindmarsh and Son’s tender of £41, being the lowest.—Agreed to.
November 6th 1875
Mr F R. Wilson drew attention to the way in which the urinal in the Market Place was covered with bills by the bill-stickers in an unsightly manner Mr L. Ainsley moved that the original motion of the Board against allowing bills to be posted on the the pants, be enforced in all cases, and that the public urinals be included in the resolution. Mr F. R. Wilson seconded the motion, Mr A. Robertson did not think the bills added to the disfigurement of the urinal, and they were for the information of the public. There was a division of opinion between the members who agreed with Mr Wilson, and those who like Mr Robertson stuck up for the bill-stickers. On the question being put to the vote, the motion was carried 6 to 4.
May 9th 1891
The Alnwick Local Board have erected a public convenience at the entrance to the Railway Station on the South Road, which was condemned by a majority of the “new blood” infused into the Board, on Wednesday. The situation could be improved certainly, but it was the best site in that portion of the town that the Board could obtain. The Greenbat convenience is also to be considered a nuisance, and the Streets Committee have got to consider more suitable sites. Necessity’s law is considered in towns of greater importance than Alnwick, and palpably discovered, and it is obvious that it must be acknowledged in the ducal town as elsewhere, and that the Local Board must take what sites they can get, no matter how obnoxious the erections may appear to the delicate taste interested individuals.
June 6th 1891
Street Urinals. The Surveyor reported that a site for the urinal erected at the Station entrance had been offered in the plantation adjoining Dovecot Lane wicket an acknowledgment 2s per-annum being paid and the stipulation that was to be removed whenever called upon to do so. A discussion followed, in which it was contended several of the members that in its present position the urinal was wholly insanitary and nuisance, whilst others argued that it was very proper position. lt was, however, agreed to defer the consideration of the matter until information was received from the Clerk to the Common Council of the Borough as to whether urinal would be allowed to be erected in the Pinfold.
July 4th 1891
Additional Street Urinal Accommodation. The Surveyor reported that Mr. George Thompson, the contractor, had stated the erection of a urinal at the west end of the Pinfold Railing would be done shortly. A letter was read from Messrs. R. Brigham, Bickerton, and Co., objecting to the erection at that place, as their bay windows overlooked it, and suggested that it be placed on the site originally intended, where it would not be so great an eyesore nor so objectionable, and would be more convenient. —After some conversation, Mr. Amos gave notice that he would move the rescinding of the previous resolution, in order that the question may be further considered.
June 11th 1898
The Clerk read a letter from Mr. W. T. Hindmarsh, clerk to the Common Council of the Borough of Alnwick, asking the Urban Council to remove the offensive urinal at the Town Hall.— Mr. Adam Douglas moved, and Dr. B. B. Robson seconded, that such should be done. Mr. E. Conway agreed that it was anything but a credit to the town, but pointed out that the one in the Market Place, and the one at the railway station (which he might say was out of the town) would be the only ones remaining. Considered that before they proceeded to take this one down at the Town Hall, there should a new one put-up. There was a great necessity for more of them, in the direction of Pottergate and Bailiffgate. Eventually the motion was carried, and Mr. E. Conway moved that the Streets Committee be instructed to look round and fix upon suitable sites whereon to erect a sufficient number of these commodities. Mr. Adam Douglas seconded the motion, which was also agreed to.
July 8th 1899
With respect to the public urinal which had been erected immediately behind a drinking fountain in Pottergate Street, the Committee reported that they considered the Clerk should send a letter in reply informing the Local Government Board of the position in which the Council stood with regard this erection. There were only two of these conveniences for the whole town (one at the Railway Station and one in the Market Place), and from the nature of the town there were very few suitable places for these erections. The memorialists against the present erection had been well acquainted with the facts, through the local newspaper reports, of the Council’s intentions, and that they had never raised a cry until it was erected, notwithstanding that deliberations had been going on for months. —Mr. John Davison (Hotspur) asked that when the Clerk wrote that he would explain also that there was no danger whatever of the water supply becoming contaminated through the erection of the convenience so near it. The Committee fixed the erection there being the most suitable place they could find, and in the line of traffic, well as out of the way. The building was nearly complete when the memorial was received.—lt was agreed to leave the question of replying to the Local Government Board in the hands of the Clerk.
October 7th 1899
Pottergate Street Urinal. The Clerk stated he had received letter from the Local Government Board with respect to this erection, which had been considered a nuisance being placed close to the drinking fountain, and which had been inspected by the Local Government Board Inspector. The letter suggested that the urinal might removed about ten yards up the street and faced towards the Tower. Reference was also made to the great want there was Alnwick for such accommodations —lt was agreed that the letter be referred to the Streets Committee to report thereon.
June 22nd 1901
lt was agreed accept the tender of the Alnwick Foundry Co., of £6 for providing and fixing a screen at Pottergate Urinal. Councillor Reavell said he thought the urinal should be set further away from Pottergate Pant.
November 9th 1901
With regard to the Pottergate urinal it was agreed that the wings of the screen be extended 15 inches.
October 10th 1903
A letter of complaint was received of boys damaging the pant in Pottergate, of water being run to waste, also of the unsightly structure being placed behind it – a public urinal. It was resolved that the letter be referred to the sanitary committee
Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health, 1909
The whole question of Urinals and Public Conveniences is having the attention of the Sanitary Committee. I hope that their deliberations will shortly bear fruit, and that the opposite sex will not be overlooked.
October 5th 1912
A petition signed by 36 inhabitants in the neighbourhood of Pottergate, etc., again appealing to the Council to have the most objectionable urinal which is fixed the back of the Pant or Drinking Fountain, removed. They considered it disgusting to have it placed in such position, especially as the inhabitants so frequently made use of the water of the fountain for drinking purposes. They need not remind the Council that previous similar petitions had been laid before the Local Government Board, who strongly suggested the Council its immediate removal. It was no excuse to postpone this matter until another urinal was erected, nuisance like that should removed a once. Mr, Weston said that similar objections had been received some time ago, with which he had great sympathy. There was, however, a wider question, and that was where were they were to find suitable situations for them. The one in Pottergate ought never to have been placed where it was. Mr. Frater: I have always had objection it, and will move that it be removed forthwith. Mr. Ralph Henderson seconded the motion. Mr. W. Bell said the erection was an absolute nuisance, but we must not cast reflections upon those who were responsible for putting it there, and would support the motion that it be removed forthwith. Mr. Turnbull: The Committee should consider at the same time where one could be best placed. Mr. Lingwood said Alnwick was very badly off for public conveniences. He had been in a great many towns both in Scotland and England, and had not found one badly circumstanced as Alnwick. This question had been before the Council three or four years, and there was some talk about putting a certain sum of money away for provision such erections. In other and larger towns they were in the middle of the market place. With small ornamental trees on the top, as in other towns, there would be no objections. In Alnwick there was no place between the Railway Station and Pottergate. They wanted Alnwick to be a holiday centre, and they must provide for it. The motion was put to the meeting and carried unanimously, and it was further agreed that the committee enquire into the provision of suitable accommodation in the town.
November 9th 1912
Ordnance Survey (revised 1921)
Meeting of Urban district Council: the urinal in Pottergate had been removed, and the committee would take up the question of provision of such accommodation about the town.
November 12th 1912
“Sir, in this week’s Gazette I see in the Alnwick Urban District Council notes tha that they have demolished the urinal situated at the foot of Pottergate Street and that they have not settled on another suitable place for erecting the same. Might I suggest Bondgate Hill as a good spot for it, and if the expense is not objected to, make an underground one”.